By entering and remaining on the premises of Sauna X, you agree to the following conditions:

o   Compliance with Staff Directions:

o   Patrons must follow all reasonable directions given by Sauna X staff members.

o   Patrons must abide by any other conditions or warnings displayed within the premises.  

o   Age Requirement:

o   Entry is strictly limited to individuals aged 18 years and over.

o   Entry Discretion:

o   Sauna X reserves the right to refuse entry to any person at its sole discretion. 

o   Reasons for refusal may include capacity limits, safety concerns, or non-compliance with entry requirements.

o   Health notice:

o   To keep us all safe from airborne viruses including Covid 19, please do not enter if you are feeling unwell or experiencing:

·         Fever

·         Chills or sweats

·         Cough

·         Sore throat

·         Shortness of breath

o   ** Ladies & Trans Day :

o   Every Tuesday we host our Ladies & Trans day event where people of all genders and sexualities are welcome at our venue, regardless of whether you identify as straight or as part of the LGBTIQ community. Cis women and transgender women can enter our venue free of charge. 

o   If you are a male presenting transgender male, you may not be offered free entry as you are able to access the club every day of the week. 

o   Sauna X reserves the right to determine the eligibility of free entry. 

o   Dress code :

o   Patrons must be in a towel throughout the venue at all times.

o   Tuesday is clothing optional however bags and heels are prohibited throughout the venue.

o   Patron Behaviour and Removal:

o   Kindly respect the personal boundaries of others and refrain from making any sexual advances if the other party has already expressed disinterest. 

o   Sauna X maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards abusive language, threats and violent behaviour directed at our staff or patrons at all times. 

o   Anti-social behaviour will result in immediate removal with police assistance where needed.  

o   Please refrain from sleeping in the venue at any time.

o   Prohibited Items:

o   Alcohol and illegal substances are not allowed on the premises.

o   Patrons found under the influence or in possession will be removed and banned.

o   Smoking Policy:

o   Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited in all areas except the designated outdoor smoking area on the roof.

o   Search and Safety:

o   Entry is granted to patrons who agree to be searched (including bags, clothing, lockers, and possessions) on entry as needed to ensure venue safety and security. 

o   Continued presence inside the premises also requires compliance with searches.

o   Assumption of Risk:

o   Patrons enter at their own risk.

o   The premises pose inherent safety risks. Please exercise caution and safety at all times particularly in dimly lit or wet areas and on stairwells.

o   Surveillance Notice:

o   24-Hour Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance operates in all areas for your safety and security.

Smart Phones & Photographic equipment:

The use of smartphones is permitted in the locker room and lounge area; however, taking pictures and videos of patrons without their consent is strictly prohibited.

o   Liability Disclaimer:

o   Sauna X is not liable for:

  • Injury, damage, theft, loss, or any other incidents.

  • Patrons release and indemnify Sauna X from claims.

o   Additional Notes:

o   Urination and Defecation in non-designated areas: Patrons are liable for professional cleaning costs of $800 should such incidents occur.

o   Property Damage: Patrons are responsible for repair costs for any property damage.

o   Violent Behaviour: Police will assist with removal in case of abusive language, threats or violent behaviour towards staff or patrons.

o   Patrons who fail to comply with the conditions of entry will be removed without a refund of the entry fee.

o   We kindly ask that you enter and exit the venue quietly, respecting our neighbours.

Copyright © 2024 Sauna X - All Rights Reserved.